It feels like I have been away from the classroom forever! I am back, after recovering from strep throat. I ask parents, if your child is sick, please keep them home until they are feeling better. We are trying to keep all our friends healthy.
In Numeracy, we continue to investigate whole numbers. We are specifically looking at estimating and comparing whole numbers. Students are learning that a place value system standardizes how whole numbers are decomposed and how that decomposition is recorded. A place value system makes it easier to describe and compare numbers. Also, Benchmark numbers can be used to estimate, compare and give meaning to numbers. (Adapted from Math Up)
Here are some links for parents and students to recap the learning that is happening in the classroom:
1. Sum It Up- Estimating Six Digit Numbers (Parents)
2. Sum It Up- Using Benchmarks to Compare Six Digit Numbers (Parents)
3. Sum It Up- Comparing and Ordering Six-Digit Numbers (Parents)
1. Number Battle (Student Activity)
2. Dragon Numbers (Digital Game)
3. In-Between Numbers (Student Activity)
4. Guess My Number (Student Activity)
In Literacy, we have just finished reading our novels. We will be continuing this week to finish up our jobs and prepare for the Book in a Box Presentation that will happen this Friday. I have attached the project here if the note did not make it home. Next week we begin our focus on Black History.
In religion, students continue to prepare for Confirmation. Here is an update from the parish-
Dear Parents
The next Confirmation Preparation Mass is Sunday, February 2nd at 1:30pm.
At the last Confirmation Preparation mass, Father Eslin mentioned having pictures of the children posted
in the Church so that parishioners would pray for them.
So, would you please bring a wallet size picture of your child to the mass on February 2nd.
Thank you.
This week is a fairly quiet week- stay tuned next week students will have their graduation photos taken on Wednesday, February 5.
Scholastic Digital Flyers
Lucky- January
Arrow- January
Teens- January
STEAM- Winter
Have a great week!
Adriana Porcari