We began the New Year with representing whole numbers in math. Students are working toward understanding large numbers. Our focus to begin is to look at only whole numbers at this point. In grade 6 the expectations are as follows:
(Ideas taken from “Big Ideas by Dr. Small”):
1. The place value system we use is built on patterns to make our work with numbers more efficient.
2. Students gain a sense of the size of numbers by comparing them to meaningful benchmark numbers.
3. Decimals are an alternative representation to fractions, but one that allows for modeling, comparisons, and calculations that are consistent with whole numbers; because decimals extend the pattern of the base ten place value system.
4. A decimal can be read and interpreted in different ways; sometimes one representation is more useful
than another in interpreting or comparing decimals or for performing and explaining a computation.
Online Games/Extra Activities to Reinforce Concepts at Home:
- To Rename or Not Rename
- How Many Ways
- Roll It and Write It!
- What's My Representation?
- Number Clue Math
- Rolling Number Words
- Spuddies
- Number Riddle Match
- Trading to One Million
- Making a Million
In Language, we are beginning our Novel Study tomorrow. Our 4 books have been chosen. Students will find out tomorrow which books they will be assigned after our book tasting that happened last Friday.