I hope everyone had a great weekend. Today Wireton Willie did not show his shadow here in Canada, so that means, Spring is near!
In Numeracy, we will continue to focus on Number Sense but will look at Representing, Comparing and Ordering Fractions. This week, students will work on lessons that focus on writing mixed numbers as improper fractions and vice versa and recognize the advantages and disadvantages of each representation. They will also learn and use multiple strategies to compare and order proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers, including the strategy of relating numerators and denominators. (Adapted from Math Up)
Here are some links for parents and students to recap the learning that is happening in the classroom this week:
1. Sum It Up- Representing Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers (Parents)
2. Sum It Up- Comparing and Ordering Fractions (Parents)
1. Missing Pieces Puzzle (Student Activity)
2. Shape Puzzle (Student Practice)
3. Fraction Comparison (Student Activity)
4. Spinning Fractions (Student Activity
5. Fraction Bingo
6. Fishing for Fractions
In Literacy, we wrapped up our "Book in a Box" presentations on Friday. I was so impressed with how connected students were with the books they read. They did a fabulous job. Check out the twitter feed to see the presentations. I will add more throughout the week. We are now shifting our focus to Black History. February is Black History month and we will be focusing on historical figures who have changed and shaped North America. Students will be learning about influential figures like Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, and Viola Desmond, just to name a few. At the end of the month, students will be working on a biography on one of those influential figures. Students will be expected to create a model of their figure as well. More information to follow in the coming weeks on what this will look like.
In religion, students continue to prepare for Confirmation.
We have a few things coming up this week. Tomorrow evening is our Parent Council meeting at 6:30. This coming Wednesday is Grad pics. Retakes will be later closer to March Break.