The religion program is comprised of both Religion and Family Life. This year, I will be facilitating the religion program.
In addition to following our religion curriculum, we will be sharing our faith through prayer, school masses, and grade level liturgies. In Grade 6, the symbol is a lantern. In the grade 6 program, the sacrament of confirmation is taught.
Board Theme
The Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) has again adopted a Board-wide Spiritual Theme to guide the school board community through the years 2021 to 2024. Our Spiritual Theme “Gratitude Rooted in Joy, Fills Us With Hope” enables our staff, students, and community to dig deep into the Gospel to make real and meaningful connections with our everyday lives.
Our new Spiritual theme, Gratitude, Rooted in Joy, Fills us with Hope, will help us to live our strategic commitments which are also rooted in our faith. Gratitude engages our head and inspires our faith. When we thank someone, we express the certainty that we are loved by God and others. Gratitude also inspires us to share our blessings with each other, strengthening our community.

This fills us with Hope. This Hope activates our hands and we see a world filled with possibilities. Our hope is in God, as St. Paul said, "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)
Our scripture passages challenges us to find Joy in the midst of trials or challenges. This seems to be a difficult request. How is this possible? Through Gratitude. In coming to a deeper understanding of God's goodness and consciously calling to mind all of our blessings, our perspective changes. This does not deny that challenges exist, but our faith calls us to focus on all of the good gifts that have come from God our heavenly father and all of the good he desires for us.
When we practice gratitude, consciously reflecting on our blessings, it actually changes our brain chemistry. God helps us see beyond our current challenges to countless opportunities before us. The father of light dispels the darkness of the situation and helps us see through the problem to a solution.