Skype/ Google Hangout:
Skype and G+ Hangout are used to connect with others schools/students, authors, professionals on a global scale. We use this service to speak, share and answer our inquiries through experts, other classrooms, and anyone else we may be reaching out to.
Blogging: This student blogging website is an integrated part of our learning. Blogging will provide us with an incredible chance to welcome others into our room as well as to practice our writing craft in multiple writing formats. Students will have individual accounts that we, the teachers, facilitate and will have the ability to access them from home.
Twitter: Twitter will allow our classroom to reach out to authors and other classrooms around the world as well as allow us to share our learning.
These tools are the ones most frequently used in our classroom. Other apps and GAFE (Google Apps For Education) will be introduced throughout the year.
I value open communication between school and home. I will keep in constant communication with you concerning the events in our classroom through the REMIND app as well as twitter and my blog. I have attached a postcard with all my social media contacts and blog website.
I look forward to seeing everyone at our Meet the Teacher night on Tuesday September 18, 2018. During this evening, I will explain classroom procedures and our homework routine.
If at any point, you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school at (613-521-5894). I look forward to a fabulous year!
Your partner in your child’s education