Welcome back! We had a great first week back, it almost feels like we never left! Students have quickly begun to settle into our classroom routines.

In class we are working on building a math talk community. We are practising what that sounds like, and feels like. In language, we have been learning about self-regulating our bodies and looking at various calming strategies for when we are not in our optimal zone for learning. We have had a discussion about various strategies and have also created glitter jars to help us calm ourselves.
This coming week we will be focusing the remainder of the month on Samaritans on the Digital Road. This resource is built upon the shoulders of Jesus' parable about The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Each grade (K-12) will explore the meaning of one verse as it relates to being an online citizen while completing five lessons created specifically to address the challenges found at each grade. We wish everyone a great week!