Spring has sprung again! We will take any warm weather we can get because we know that snow is around the corner. We had a great week and were able to get outside for some learning. We celebrated our Thanksgiving mass this past Friday and had the opportunity to gather as a community to pray for all that we are thankful for. Shout out goes to all grade 6's who were readers in this month's mass, you did an excellent job! I hope you had an opportunity to take a look at the student creations for Samaritans on the Digital Road program. Students learned what it means to be responsible digital citizens and have created multimedia presentations to share their messages. Check earlier blog post to see some examples.
Every Tuesday, the grade 2 and 6 class have the opportunity to collaborate together and work on various projects. This past Tuesday, students were exploring technology tools like makey makey, green screen, the robot Dash, and Cubelets in order to become familiar with these tools. Take a look at some of the photos from our time together to see the excitement on the faces of those working together.

In numeracy, students spent most of the week exploring prime and composite numbers with a focus on factors and multiples. We took our learning outside this week to the 100 hundred chart on the school yard in order to play a prime and composite racing game. A great way to get outside and learn that math does not just happen in the classroom. This week, we will shift our focus slightly to patterning by focusing on various kinds of patterns. Great to start a discussion with your child about patterns in everyday life.

In literacy, we are focusing on social justice issues. We are currently reading about equal access to education and child labour. Students are quite intrigued with these topics. We have been doing a few read-alouds around these topics. This week, students will begin a novel study of their choice- I am Malala, The Breadwinner or Iqbal. Students will be focusing on various reading strategies throughout their novel and will connect with their novel by making connections. Students are familiar with making connections to texts, to themselves and to the world around them. This week we are going to dig a little deeper and start to make connections to the characters, problems, author's messages, etc in the books we are reading. Ask your child about their novel that they have chosen to read.
A few reminders for this week, picture day is this coming Monday. Also, we have our Halloween dance this coming Friday after school hosted by parent council. I wish everyone a great week! Let's hope for another week of warm weather.
A. Porcari