We had another great day week in grade 6! We have already dived deep into learning with our explorations in math, language and religion.
In Literacy, we spent some time outdoors learning about nature. We created sit spots to keep our bottoms clean when we sit in our sit spots outside. While we were outside, we took the time to learn about scientific sketches. Students then created a scientific sketch of their sit spot area. This area the students have chosen will be an area we often return to in order to do some descriptive writing. Check out the twitter account to see some of the amazing sketches. We are also focusing on writing using proper sentences. Our big focus is to write "show" sentences as opposed to tell sentences.
We also celebrated International Dot Day this past week. We began by reading the book "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds. We then created works of art using only a single dot. The catchy phrase was, where will your dot take you...
We ended the week with Samaritans on the Digital Road lesson. We continue to work on digital etiquette. We also participated in the Cobblestone Collective Workshops that were targeting Mindfulness through Minecraft for back to school. A great series, where students learned techniques to calm their bodies and get ready for learning.
Coming Up: Meet the Teacher will be held this Thursday September 23, 2021
Junior Session 1: 4:45-5:00
Junior Session 2: 5:15-5:30
This will be a Google Meet, you will receive a email later this week! No worries if you cannot attend, I will post the slide deck on the blog.
St. Bernard's Terry Fox Run/Walk will be held on Oct 1, 2021- link to newsletter