In Numeracy, we continue to focus on area. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, students will develop a sense of a square metre and how it can be used to measure area. They will choose appropriate area units and calculate area. They will also develop and use a formula to determine the area of a parallelogram and develop and use a formula to determine the area of triangles. Lastly, they will create different types of polygons with a given area.(Adapted from Math Up)
Many students are having some difficulty distinguishing between area and perimeter. Please practice this at home.
Here are some links for parents and students to recap the learning that is happening in the classroom:
1. Sum It Up- The Square Metre (Parents)
2. Sum It Up- Representing the Same Measurements in Different Ways
3. Sum It Up- Area of a Parallelogram (Parents)
4. Sum It Up- Area of a Triangle (Parents)
5. Sum It Up- Constructing Shapes with a Given Area (Parents)
1. Area Collector (Student Activity)
2. A Different Spin on Area (Student Activity)
3. Matching Parallelograms Area (Student Activity)
4. Matching Triangle Areas (Student Activity)
5. Duelling Areas (Student Activity)
In Literacy, we have finished our #BlackHistory projects. We will now focus on reading responses and writing conventions. We will be starting up a new class project over the course of the next few weeks. Stay tuned!
In religion, students continue to prepare for Confirmation. This past weekend, students participated in a one day retreat. We are now in the Lenten season. We will have a classroom Lenten prayer service in class.
Another busy week! We have Blues in the School (Music program) all this week. This Thursday is OECTA strike day, so no school. Grad photo retake is Mar 13 now. Please also read the school newsletter that is attached below this post.
Scholastic Digital Flyers- Due Mar 6
Lucky- February/March
Arrow- February/March
Teens- February/March
Have a great week!
Adriana Porcari