Dear parents/guardians,
Attached is a brief summary of the session that was presented to the children on Sunday, Jan. 13th as part of their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please print it out and show it to your children.
This will serve as a reminder to the children who attended the session, and to those who were away or sick, it will give them an outline of what was covered so that they are prepared for the next session, which will take place on Sunday Feb. 3rd at 1pm.
Please note that our next session will be held in St Bernard Church, NOT in the school gym. Please arrive by 12:40 so that we can get all of the children registered before 1pm.
Fr. Eslin has also requested that you bring in a small photo of your child that we can mount in the church so that parishioners can pray for your children as they journey towards Confirmation.
We would like to remind you that these sessions are mandatory if you wish your child to be confirmed in April.
Looking forward to seeing you on February 3rd,
Maureen Monaghan
Mary Nader
Fr. Eslin Pereira