As we welcome October, I would like to give you a little update as to what has been happening in the classroom. We have been very busy these last few weeks as we focus on our school boards commitment to Be Well, Be Innovative, Be Community. This past Friday, was our Christian Community Day at the Shaw Centre. This is a day where all teachers from the OCSB board gather to pray, unite and be part of a wider community. We had the pleasure of hearing from our Director of Education who leads us in our mission this year. We continue with a focus on Deep Learning and the essential skills needed for our children to succeed. We had the honour of listening to an amazing speaker,
David Wells- author of
The Reluctant Disciple.

I hope everyone had a great long weekend celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends. As October begins, we continue to focus on Number Sense and our understanding of numbers up to 1 000 000. Students have been hard at work looking at ways to represent numbers using base tens in various ways.

We have also began our social justice work for the WeFoundation. All grade 6 classes met over the course of the last couple of weeks in order to become ex
perts on a local and global issue. Students researched and brainstormed some of the issues that the WeFoundation have chosen. Students presented their findings to the class and all groups voted on a local and global issue. This year, our local issue will target POVERTY and our global issue is WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT. Stay tuned for events coming to STB soon!
Have a great week!
A. Porcari
Reminder- our confirmation meeting has been rescheduled of October 17th at 7:00pm at the church.