Let it Snow...Let it Snow

Happy snowy day! It seems like just yesterday we returned from Christmas break..hard to believe almost a month has passed! We have been very busy in our classroom with many different initiatives.

In math, we have explored area and perimeter using the robots as a way to explore metric conversions. We are now moving to finding area of triangles and parallelograms. Please continue to have your child work through some of the videos and games found on the blog here.

In language, we have just finished wrapping up narrative writing, with a focus on fables. Stay tuned to read our classroom digital book on fables. This month, we shift our focus to Black History month. We will be reading and analyzing books, and videos about the hardships endured by many African Americans and Canadians.

We have begun our focus on religion on Confirmation. Reminder that confirmation will take place May 12. The Confirmation retreat will be held Mar 3. In preparation, students will bring home some weekly work on topics surrounding confirmation.

I wish you a great week!
A. Porcari