Good evening,

Please feel free to work through some of these video's with your child. We are still focusing on whole numbers at the moment.
1. The place value system we use is built on patterns to make our work with numbers more efficient.
2. Students gain a sense of the size of numbers by comparing them to meaningful benchmark numbers.
3. Decimals are an alternative representation to fractions, but one that allows for modeling, comparisons,
and calculations that are consistent with whole numbers; because decimals extend the pattern of the
base ten place value system.
4. A decimal can be read and interpreted in different ways; sometimes one representation is more useful
than another in interpreting or comparing decimals or for performing and explaining a computation.
GOAL: I can demonstrate and explain equivalent representations using powers of ten
- VIDEO: Comparing Place Values (whole numbers)
- VIDEO: Comparing Place Values (decimals)
- VIDEO: Regrouping Whole Numbers (3 videos, 1 practice quiz)
- QUIZ: Renaming Numbers
- QUIZ: Understanding Place Value
- QUIZ: Understanding Place Value when Multiplying or Dividing by 10
GOAL: I can identify and explain patterns within our place value system (including decimals)
- VIDEO: Finding a Number’s Place (whole numbers)
- VIDEO: Value of a Number
- VIDEO: Finding a Number’s Place (decimals)
- QUIZ: Decimal Hundredths
- QUIZ: Place Value Introduction
- GAME: Mystery Numbers
- GAME: Place Value Pirates
- GAME: Football Math
GOAL: I can use these patterns to represent whole and decimals numbers in standard form, expanded form, in pictures, and in words
- VIDEO: Writing in Standard Form (from Words) (whole number)
- VIDEO: Writing in Expanded Form (whole number)
- VIDEO: Representing Numbers in Pictures and Models
- VIDEO: Writing Decimal Numbers in Words
- VIDEO: Writing in Expanded Form (decimals)
- QUIZ: Reading and Writing Numbers
- QUIZ: Exploring Equivalent Decimals
- GAME: Decimals of the Caribbean
- GAME: Eagle and Airplane
GOAL: I can compare and order whole and decimals numbers and plot them on a number line
- VIDEO: Comparing and Ordering Decimals (6 videos, 3 practice quizzes)
- QUIZ: Comparing and Ordering Numbers
- QUIZ: Comparing and Ordering Decimals
- GAME: Comparing Decimals
- GAME: Builder Ted
GOAL: I can round whole and decimals numbers to meaningful benchmarks
- VIDEO: Rounding Whole Numbers (3 videos, 1 practice quiz)
- QUIZ: Rounding Numbers
- QUIZ: Rounding Decimals
- GAME: Rounding Off
- represent, compare, and order whole numbers and decimal numbers from 0.001 to 1 000 000, using number lines with appropriate increments, base ten materials for decimals);
- demonstrate an understanding of place value in whole numbers and decimal numbers from 0.001 to 1 000 000, using base ten materials to represent the relationship between 1, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001) (Sample problem: How many thousands cubes would be needed to make a base ten block for 1 000 000?);
- read and print in words whole numbers to one hundred thousand, using meaningful contexts
- solve problems that arise from real-life situations and that relate to the magnitude of whole numbers up to 1 000 000 (Sample problem: How would you determine if a person could live to be 1 000 000 hours old?);
- identify composite numbers and prime numbers, and explain the relationship between them (i.e., any composite number can be factored into prime factors) (e.g., 42 = 2 x 3 x 7).