High Tea |
What a week! We started the week with a High Tea to honour the life of Queen Elizabeth II. Students participated in the High Tea ceremony by enjoying light snack of marmalade, cookies and fruits and vegetables. We also learned about the Queen's role here in Canada and her impact on the world. Students also glimpses from her memorial earlier that morning. I think this was the highlight for the week.
In math, we continued working on patterns. Students worked in groups on creating growing patterns using shapes. They then had to take those shape patterns and turn them into number patterns. Students learned to extend patterns by using a table of values. They then took the table of values and learned about linear graphs. This week we will continue working patterns but will move to higher order thinking questions involving extending and predicting pattern terms. Students are always encouraged to show their math thinking. This past week, we did a EQAO practice question and many were shocked to see student exemplars and the leveling system. This week we will try some questions independently.
In language- we continued working on Samaritans on the Digital Road. We have almost completed all the lessons. This week, we will focus on National Council Truth and Reconciliation. This Friday, as a school, we will mark Orange Shirt Day. We have a list of presentation set up for the week through the Truth and Reconciliation Council. Please ask your child about the lessons from the day. This Thursday is also our annual Terry Fox run. We are asking students to support by bringing in a Toonie.
Few Reminders for the week:
Monday- First Parent Council Meeting- a Zoom link will be sent out by Mrs. Bissonnette
Wednesday- Sacrament of Confirmation meeting at the church 7:00pm
Thursday- Terry Fox Run (AM)
Friday- Orange Shirt Day
So it will be another busy week here at St. B. I wish you a great week!
A. Porcari
PS- A Huge thank you to all parents who came out to Meet the Teacher Night! It was great to connect with you. I look forward to working together this year. I will post my slide show from the presentation this week.