Time just seems to be flying! We are almost through the month of November and we have done SOOOO much! I just wanted to say thank you to those of you who check the blog and twitter, I am not sure how many parents I am reaching but I do appreciate you taking the time to read what is happening in your child's classroom. Sometimes I don't always get the time to write but I do try and at least tweet so you can see what is going on.
In math, we are shifting our focus away from patterning, and now moving to 2D geometry. We are going to go back a few lessons and look at geometric properties of shapes. We then move into classifying triangles according to side and angle measure. Lastly, moving to drawing our own shapes given properties. Under the "Extra Practice" button you will find link to games on what we are currently working on.
In Language/Religion, we are working through the seven grandfather teachings. We will be wrapping those up this week and then moving to persuasive writing and preparing for Advent.
In Science, we continue to work on Biodiversity. We are fortunate to have Let's Talk Science join us virtually this coming Thursday for some exciting experiments around Biodiversity.
I wish you all a great week!
A. Porcari