Message from the Church- Confirmation


We would like to advise you that, as part of the preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, all children are expected to go to Confession before the Confirmation ceremony on May 12th. We suggest that they attend one of the evening sessions that are being held for the First Reconciliation of the Grade 2 students, at which time there will be 3 priests hearing Confession in the church.

The Grade 2's are making their First Reconciliation on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in St. Bernard Church: 
St Bernard School February 28th
St Thomas More School March 7th

St. Marguerite d'Youville School March 21st

Your Grade 6 children can go to Reconciliation on any of these nights; you do not have to go on the night that your school's Grade 2's are making their First Reconciliation.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact the church.