Happy New Year!

Welcome 2017! I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday.We had a very busy first week of 2017! After hearing all the fun students had with family and friends we were right back into the swings of things. We did take some time to talk about New Year's and the tradition around New Year resolutions. The students did come up with some resolutions for themselves. Ask your child to show your their resolution in their language folder.

We began this week in math right where we left off...2D Geometry! We did a quick review of measuring and constructing angles using a protractor. We then moved on to constructing various polygons given side and angle measurements. We will finish off our focus in geometry this week with rotational symmetry. By the end of the week, we hope to start probability.

In language we having been busy working on a number of things. In reading we are focusing on nonfiction and the text features (ex- table of contents, photographs, glossary, index, etc) and how they help to understand meaning of text. We are also focusing on the reading strategy of Inferring. To introduce this strategy we have been working on a Mystery Box. Students have been bringing in mystery items and writing 4 clues to help with friends guess the mystery item. Inferring is creating new meaning of text by using background knowledge and text clues. When reading, students are asked to think about what they are reading, to read between the lines and fill in gaps based on their inference. In writing, we will begin looking at fables and legends. Students will begin writing their own fables in legends later this month.

Tinkertime was a great success this week! Students had the opportunity to play with the robots and some students decided to tinker and create their own creations. We have some examples of fidget toys, and a skittles rotating machine to dispense skittles..of course Ms Porcari bought skittles so we have to see if this works this week!